Expose ports

Some FIWARE GEs and other OSS running in a Docker container can expose a port for their service. Port Exposing is driven by environment variables as shown:

Variable name Description Default value
ORION_EXPOSE_PORT Expose port 1026 for Orion. (none, local or all) none
ORION_LD_EXPOSE_PORT Expose port 1026 for Orion-LD. (none, local or all) none
MINTAKA_EXPOSE_PORT Expose port 8080 for Mintaka. (none, local or all) none
TIMESCALE_EXPOSE_PORT Expose port 5432 for Timescale. (none, local or all) none
CYGNUS_EXPOSE_PORT Expose port for Cygnus. (none, local or all) 5051 for Mongo, 5050 for MySQL, 5055 for PostgreSQL, 5058 for Elasticsearch none
COMET_EXPOSE_PORT Expose port 8666 for Comet. (none, local or all) none
QUANTUMLEAP_EXPOSE_PORT Expose port 8668 for Quantumleap. (none, local or all) none
DRACO_EXPOSE_PORT Expose port 5050 for Draco. (none, local, all) none
ELASTICSEARCH_EXPOSE_PORT Expose port 9200 for Elasticsearch. (none, local or all) none
MONGO_EXPOSE_PORT Expose port 27017 for MongoDB. (none, local or all) none
MYSQL_EXPOSE_PORT Expose port 3306 for MySQL. (none, local or all) none
POSTGRES_EXPOSE_PORT Expose port 5432 for Postgres. (none, local or all) none

The variable can be set to none, local, or all.

  • none: A port is not exposed outside a container network. It's a default value.
  • local: A port is bind to
  • all: A port is bind to (meaning all interfaces).

The all value is used when a container on a VM accesses another container on another VM at multi-server installation. And you should close the exposed port using a network equipment such as firewall so that it is not accessible from the internet.